Results for 'Adalbert Wenceslaus Heinrich Leopold Maria Sternberg'

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  1. Radioglaube an Gott.Adalbert Wenceslaus Heinrich Leopold Maria Sternberg - 1925 - Berlin,: Verlag für Kulturpolitik.
    Einleitung.--Der Mensch und das dynamische Spannungsnetz des Weltalls.--Kirche, Religion und Wissenschaft.--Geld, gold, papier und Bajonette!
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    Alsted and Leibniz: on God, the magistrate, and the millennium.Johann Heinrich Alsted, Maria Rosa Antognazza & Howard Hotson (eds.) - 1999 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Kommission.
  3. Narrativity in view of a theory of syncretism.Anita Maria Leopold - 2011 - In Armin W. Geertz & Jeppe Sinding Jensen (eds.), Religious narrative, cognition, and culture: image and word in the mind of narrative. Oakville, CT: Equinox.
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    Sobre la lógica en general.Johann Heinrich Lambert & Luciana María Martínez - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):187-193.
    Se ha intentado realizar una traducción literal del texto de Lambert. En contadas ocasiones se han substituido construcciones sintácticas del alemán por otras que facilitan, a juicio del traductor, la lectura del texto en español. Asimismo, en algunos pasajes se han alterado los signos de puntuación, con la finalidad señalada.
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  5. Der Dichterphilosoph Rudolf Maria Holzapfel.Adalbert Bruno Ekowski - 1935 - Radolfzell-Bodensee,: Heimverlag Adolf Dressler.
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  6. Scholz, Heinrich, Abriss der Geschichte der Logik.Kurt Sternberg - 1932 - Kant Studien 37:212.
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    Geleitwort.Johannes L. Brandl, Marian David, Martina Fürst, Guido Melchior, Dolf Rami, Maria Reicher & Leopold Stubenberg - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (1-2):3-4.
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  8. Schriften zum transzendentalen Idealismus.Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Catia Goretzki, Walter Jaeschke & Irmgard-Maria Piske - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):363-365.
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  9. Werke, Band 1: Schriften zum Spinozastreit.Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Klaus Hammacher & Irmgard-Maria Piske - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (3):596-597.
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  10. (1 other version)Brockhaus, Heinrich, Die Utopia-Schrift des Thomas Morus. [REVIEW]Kurt Sternberg - 1932 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 37:166.
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  11. Heinrich Heines geistige Gestalt und Welt.Kurt Sternberg - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:73-73.
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    Bolzano & Kant.Johannes L. Brandl, Marian David, Maria E. Reicher & Leopold Stubenberg (eds.) - 2012 - Brill Rodopi.
    Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents Themenschwerpunkt/Special Topic: Bolzano & Kant Gastherausgeber/Guest Editor: Sandra Lapointe Sandra Lapointe: Introduction Sandra Lapointe: Is Logic Formal? Bolzano, Kant and the Kantian Logicians Nicholas F. Stang: A Kantian Reply to Bolzano¿s Critique of Kant¿s Analytic-Synthetic Distinction Clinton Tolley: Bolzano and Kant on the Place of Subjectivity in a Wissenschaftslehre Timothy Rosenkoetter: Kant and Bolzano on the Singularity of Intuitions Waldemar Rohloff: From Ordinary Language to Definition in Kant and Bolzano Weitere Artikel/Further Articles Christian Damböck: Wilhelm Diltheys empirische (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Fels, Heinrich, Bernard Bolzano. [REVIEW]K. Sternberg - 1931 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 36:184.
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  14. Barth, Heinrich, Philosophie der praktischen Vernunft. [REVIEW]Kurt Sternberg - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:181.
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  15. Frank, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi's Lehre vom Glauben.K. Sternberg - 1911 - Kant Studien 16:106.
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    Heinrich Wieleitner (1874–1931) and The Birth of Modern Mathematics—Science Communication and the Historiography of Mathematics in the Weimar Culture. [REVIEW]Maria M. Remenyi - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (1):51-82.
    By taking the work and life of the historian of mathematics Heinrich Wieleitner as an example, this study aims to highlight the many interrelations between the historiography of mathematics, mathematics education, and science communication in mathematics.By integrating aspects of the history of media, this case study also explores mathematical public relations work in the 20th century and draws attention to the important persons, institutions and contents. The focus is on the Weimar period, in which the self-understanding of mathematics was (...)
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    Das Studium der Stille: deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur im Spannungsfeld von Gnostizismus, Philosophie und Mystik: Heinrich Böll, Botho Strauss, Peter Handke, Ralf Rothmann.Anja Maria Richter - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Die gängigen Prognosen, nach denen die Religionen im Kontext der Moderne oder im Zuge der Globalisierung an Bedeutung verlieren würden, haben sich nicht bestätigt. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Jenseits von nihilistischen Entwürfen und virtuellen Konstruktionen öffneten sich auch und gerade in der Literatur Räume für die Belebung religiöser Weltsicht. Ausgehend von Heinrich Böll und seiner Anfang der 1960er Jahre eingeleiteten Distanzierung von der Institution Kirche, wird am Beispiel von Botho Strauß und Peter Handke, die seit den 1970er und (...)
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    La teología mariana predicada de san Agustín: los Sermones de Navidad.Heinrich Weinberg - 2023 - Augustinus 68 (2):445-460.
    En el artículo se hace la presentación de las ideas que san Agustín destaca sobre la Virgen María en sus sermones de Navidad. Se hace en primer lugar una presentación de dichos sermones, para posteriormente abordar el tema de los dos nacimientos de Cristo, que es usado para explicar las dos naturalezas en Cristo (divina y humana). Se destacan asimismo los sermones navideños en los que san Agustín señala el paralelismo entre la Virgen María y la Iglesia, ya ambas son (...)
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    The Land Aesthetic, Holmes Rolston's Insight.Maria José Varandas - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (2):209-226.
    This paper focuses on natural aesthetics as it relates to an ecological ethics informed by Aldo Leopold and by two contemporary environmental ethicists inspired by him: Callicott and Rolston. By contrast to Callicott, Rolston's work emphasises the distinctive character of natural beauty and gives reasons to understand such beauty as foundational for acting morally in the natural world. This paper argues, on these theoretical grounds, that an informed natural aesthetics is a requirement of an environmental ethics on account of (...)
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    L'immagine scientifica del mondo di Johann Heinrich Lambert: razionalità ed esperienza.Maria Dello Preite - 1979 - Bari: Dedalo libri.
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    Estética natural e ética ambiental, que ralaçao?Maria José Varandas - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 39 (39):131-140.
    This paper defends that environmental aesthetics provides a consistent basis for environmental philosophy, whereas aesthetic value plays an important role in the defense and preservation of natural areas. For several environmental philosophers the natural beauty is an inherent part of the ethical concern. Leopold States that “a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, the balance and the beauty of the biotic community”. Notwithstanding, aesthetic value is still not a central issue in the environmental debate. On (...)
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  22. Debilissimae Entitates? Bisterfeld and Leibniz’s Ontology of Relations.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2001 - The Leibniz Review 11:1-22.
    Over the past decades a number of scholars have identified Johann Heinrich Bisterfeld as one of the most decisive early influences on Leibniz. In particular, the impressive similarity between their conceptions of universal harmony has been stressed. Since the issue of relations is at the heart of both Bisterfeld and Leibniz’s doctrines of universal harmony, the extent of the similarity between their doctrines will depend, however, on Bisterfeld and Leibniz’s respective theories of relations, and especially on their ontologies of (...)
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    Resposta de Schopenhauer a Jacobi.Maria Lúcia Cacciola - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (2):23-31.
    O texto analisa como o problema da coisa em si em Kant, enquanto fundamento real ou não do fenômeno, foi reelaborado pelos filósofos pós-kantianos e como estes buscaram solucionar o possível dualismo da filosofia crítica. A investigação se concentra sobretudo na resposta de Schopenhauer ao problema, evidenciado pela primeira vez pelo filósofo Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, um dos grandes críticos da filosofia transcendental e do idealismo.
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  24. Introduction. Kurt Gödel's applied individual ethics.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2020 - In Kurt Gödel, Philosophical Notebooks, vol. 2: Time Management (Maxims) I and II. De Gruyter. pp. 282- 319.
    For Gödel, the determining influence on the decision to subject his life to such a form of ethics likely came from one of the two men whom he called his teachers in the Grandjean Questionnaire: namely Heinrich Gomperz. It is unlikely, however, that the stimulus for this form of ethics came from Gomperz alone, since although many members of the Vienna Circle ultimately spoke out against this ethical form for the conduct of life, the question of self-perfection and its (...)
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    Intuition und Wissenschaft: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven.Christian Bachhiesl, Sonja Maria Bachhiesl & Stefan Köchel (eds.) - 2018 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Wissenschaft setzt, folgt man dem Theologen Heinrich Schmidinger, als Minimalqualifikationen rationale Nachvollziehbarkeit und Überprüfbarkeit voraus. Damit ist sie an Methoden gebunden, die jenseits des subjektiven Überzeugtseins operieren und ihre Glaubwürdigkeit darin zum Ausdruck bringen, dass sie verallgemeinerbar sind. Intuition, ein höchst persönlicher und im Grunde irrationaler Erkenntnismodus, hält diesen wissenschaftlichen Kriterien nicht stand. Und dennoch stößt man sowohl in den Geistes- als auch in den Naturwissenschaften immer wieder auf Formen intuitiven Erkennens.0Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler unterschiedlichster fachlicher Herkunft? von der Wissenschafts- (...)
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    Kurt Gödel und die philosophische Tradition der (Selbst-) Vervollkommnung.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2023 - In Martin Lemke, Konstantin Leschke, Friederike Peters & Matthias Wunsch (eds.), Der Wiener Kreis und sein philosophisches Spektrum: Beiträge zur Kulturphilosophie, Metaphysik, Philosophiegeschichte, Praktischen Philosophie und Ästhetik. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 223-242.
    Kurt Gödel ist als genialer Mathematiker und Logiker bekannt, seltener als Autor einiger weniger philosophischer Aufsätze. Daher wird man erstaunt sein, wenn er mit der Rezeption antiker Philosophietraditionen in Verbindung gebracht wird. Diejenigen allerdings, welche wissen, dass Gödel im Grandjean Fragebogen 1975, drei Jahre vor seinem Tod, lediglich den Mathematiker Philipp Furtwängler sowie den Philosophiehistoriker Heinrich Gomperz als für ihn wichtige Lehrer benannt hat, und denen zudem bekannt ist, dass Heinrich Gomperz in Wien unter anderem antike Philosophiegeschichte gelehrt (...)
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    Maria mediatrix – mittellos mittel aller súnder.Katharina Mertens Fleury - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):33-47.
    Maria mediatrix represents a paradigm of mediality in the Middle Ages. Mary′s power consists in bridging the gap between the celestial sphere and the world, the Christ and mankind. She is full of grace and conveying grace, participating in humanity and divinity by these characteristics. Her influence is based on having given birth to the Christ, accompanied his life until his death on the cross, having suffered and died in her soul with him in love. She incites the individual (...)
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    Sämtliche Werke: auf Grund des von Ludwig Boumann, Friedrich Förster, Eduard Gans, Karl Hegel, Leopold von Henning, Heinrich Gustav Hotho, Philipp Marheineke, Karl Ludwig Michelet, Karl Rosenkranz und Johannes Schulze besorgten Originaldruckes in Faksimileverfahren.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Hermann Glockner - 1951 - Fr. Fromanns Verlag, Günther Holzboog.
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  29. Philosophische Notizbücher, Band 2: Zeiteinteilung (Maximen) I und II / Philosophical Notebooks, Volume 2: Time Management (Maxims) I and II, edited by Eva-Maria Engelen, translated by Merlin Carl, Berlin (De Gruyter) 2020.Kurt Gödel (ed.) - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Volume 2 contains both notebooks of "Time Management (Max) I and II" and thereby Gödel’s applied individual ethics, which he received among others through his teacher Heinrich Gomperz. Gödel thus incorporates the ethical ideal of self-perfection into his opus. The volume is prefaced by an introduction to relevant considerations from the ethics of the Stoics as well as ancient dietetics, which provide the philosophical background to understand Gödel’s approach. In addition, editor Eva-Maria Engelen presents how this fits into (...)
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    Fünf noch unveröffentlichte Briefe Friedrich Nietzsches.Joachim Jung & Mirella Carbone - 2024 - Nietzsche Studien 53 (1):306-357.
    Five Unpublished Letters by Friedrich Nietzsche. Five unpublished letters by Nietzsche to Louise Röder-Wiederhold, as well as an unknown letter (draft) from her own hand suggest that Nietzsche’s negative judgment of her, which has dominated biographical Nietzsche research up to now, was anything but definitive and can be strongly relativized. The new documents also prove that Röder-Wiederhold was not only a temporary “secretary” for Nietzsche, but also an intellectual and humorous, interested, compassionate and independent-thinking correspondence partner, even if she did (...)
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  31. Die Renaissnace des Harmonishcen im Tintinnabuli-Stil Arvo Pärts.Leopold Brauneiss - 2018 - In Martin Ebeling & Morgana Petrik (eds.), Harmonie - musikalisch, philosophisch, psychologisch, neurologisch. Berlin: Peter Lang.
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    Leonardo Da Vinci and the Fundamental Laws of Science.Leopold Infeld - 1953 - Science and Society 17 (1):26 - 41.
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    Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi Wider Mendelssohns Beschuldigungen Betreffend Die Briefe Über Die Lehre des Spinoza.Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi & Georg Joachim Goeschen - 1786 - Bey Georg Joachim Goeschen.
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    Recepcja idei solidaryzmu chrześcijańskiego Heinricha Pescha w środowisku polskich katolickich myślicieli społecznych.Przemysław Załuska - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):180-190.
    Celem pracy jest wstępne przebadanie oddziaływania myśli Heinricha Pescha SJ (1854–1926), a w szczególności jego koncepcji solidaryzmu chrześcijańskiego, na kształtowanie się poglądów społeczno-ekonomicznych czołowych polskich myślicieli katolickich XX wieku. Podstawowy materiał źródłowy stanowiły kluczowe monografie, stanowiące podsumowanie poglądów autorów na zagadnienia społeczno-gospodarcze. Badanie uwzględniało aspekty ilościowe, ale koncentrowało się głównie na analizie logicznej oraz semantycznej tych fundamentalnych prac. W rezultacie wykazano znaczący wpływ idei Pescha, postrzeganego jako jeden z czołowych chrześcijańskich myślicieli społecznych oraz twórca solidaryzmu chrześcijańskiego, na prace autorów takich (...)
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  35. Recepcja idei solidaryzmu chrześcijańskiego Heinricha Pescha w środowisku polskich katolickich myślicieli społecznych.Przemysław Załuska - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):293-336.
    Celem pracy jest wstępne przebadanie oddziaływania myśli Heinricha Pescha SJ (1854–1926), a w szczególności jego koncepcji solidaryzmu chrześcijańskiego, na kształtowanie się poglądów społeczno-ekonomicznych czołowych polskich myślicieli katolickich XX wieku. Podstawowy materiał źródłowy stanowiły kluczowe monografie, stanowiące podsumowanie poglądów autorów na zagadnienia społeczno-gospodarcze. Badanie uwzględniało aspekty ilościowe, ale koncentrowało się głównie na analizie logicznej oraz semantycznej tych fundamentalnych prac. W rezultacie wykazano znaczący wpływ idei Pescha, postrzeganego jako jeden z czołowych chrześcijańskich myślicieli społecznych oraz twórca solidaryzmu chrześcijańskiego, na prace autorów takich (...)
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    María Teresa Pozzoli, La obediencia de Abraham. Ensayo sobre el aprendizaje institucional de la obediencia patológica, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, Santiago, 2007, 218 p. [REVIEW]María Emilia Tijoux - 2007 - Polis 18.
    “¿Cómo un ser humano cualquiera, educado en los valores cristianos que son predominantes en los sectores militares de la sociedad chilena pudo, como resultado de sus comportamientos de obediencia, transgredir los umbrales de la ética y realizar actos criminales?”. Esta pregunta de investigación guía el trabajo de María Teresa Pozzoli que reseñamos. El libro de María Teresa Pozzoli aborda la debida obediencia militar arraigada en la ideología de las Fuerzas Armadas chilenas durante el período..
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    German essays on history.Rolf Sältzer (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Continuum.
    Idea for a universal history with cosmopolitan intent / Immanuel Kant -- Philosophy of history / Johann Gottfried von Herder -- What is universal history and to what end does one study it? / Friedrich Schiller -- On the task of the historian / Wilhelm von Humboldt -- Idea of universal history / Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- World history / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- The ages of the world / Friedrich Wilhelm Josef Schelling -- On the epochos of modern (...)
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    Parents' Stress and Children's Psychological Problems in Families Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy.Maria Spinelli, Francesca Lionetti, Massimiliano Pastore & Mirco Fasolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Die Prinzipien der Mechanik in Neuen Zusammenhange Dargestellt.Heinrich Hertz - 1894 - Barth.
    Excerpt from Die Prinzipien der Mechanik in Neuem Zusammenhange Dargestellt Wahl eines Berufs entschliefsen mufste, wahlte er den des Ingenieurs. Es scheint, dafs die auch in spateren Jahren als ein charakteristischer Grundzug seines Wesens hervor tretende Bescheidenheit ihn an seiner Begabung fur theore tische Wissenschaft zweifeln liefs, und dafs er sich bei der Beschaftigung mit seinen geliebten mechanischen Arbeiten des Erfolges sicherer fuhlte, weil er deren Tragweite schon damals ausreichend verstand. Vielleicht hat ihn auch die in seiner Vaterstadt herrschende, mehr (...)
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    Why the Wrongness of Killing Innocents is Not a Universal Moral Certainty.José María Ariso - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (1):58-76.
    In this paper, I argue that the certainty about the wrongness of killing must not be considered as a universal, but as a local one. Initially, I show that there exist communities in which the wrongness of killing innocents is not a moral certainty and that this kind of case cannot be justified by arguing that such people are psychopaths. Lastly, I argue that universal certainties do not admit of exceptions: thus, the fact that some exceptional cases affect the certainty (...)
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    Slurs and Expressive Commitments.Leopold Hess - 2020 - Acta Analytica 36 (2):263-290.
    Most accounts of the derogatory meaning of slurs are semantic. Recently, Nunberg proposed a purely pragmatic account offering a compelling picture of the relation between derogatory content and social context. Nunberg posits that the semantic content of slurs is identical to that of neutral counterparts, and that derogation is a result of the association of slur use with linguistic conventions of bigoted speakers. The mechanism responsible for it is a special kind of conversational implicature. However, this paper argues that Nunberg’s (...)
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    A history of formal logic.Jozef Maria Bocheński - 1961 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Excerpt from A History of Formal Logic In this edition of the most considerable history Of formal logic yet published, the Opportunity has Of course been taken to make some adjustments seen to be necessary in the original, with the author's full concurrence. Only in 36, however, has the numeration of cited passages been altered owing to the introduction of new matter. Those changes are as follows. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. (...)
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    Exploring the Nature of the Relationship Between CSR and Competitiveness.Marc Vilanova, Josep Maria Lozano & Daniel Arenas - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (S1):57-69.
    This paper explores the nature of the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and competitiveness. We start with the commonly held view that firm competitiveness is defined by the market. That is, the question of what are the critical competitiveness factors is answered by looking at how companies and financial analysts describe and evaluate a firm. To analyze this, we review the current state of the art on the relationship between CSR and competitiveness. Second, CSR criteria used by financial analysts (...)
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    Argumentation as a Bridge Between Metaphor and Reasoning.Maria Rossi, Elisabetta Gola & Francesca Ervas - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno (eds.), Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The aim of this chapter is to explore the relationship between metaphor and reasoning, by claiming that argumentation might act as a bridge between metaphor and reasoning. Firstly, the chapter introduces metaphor as a framing strategy through which some relevant properties of a source domain are selected to understand a target domain. The mapping of properties from the source to the target domain implicitly forces the interpreter to consider the target from a specific perspective. Secondly, the chapter presents metaphor as (...)
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  45. Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic.Vicente Prado-Gascó, María T. Gómez-Domínguez, Ana Soto-Rubio, Luis Díaz-Rodríguez & Diego Navarro-Mateu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566900.
    Context: The emergency situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected different facets of society. Although much of the attention is focused on the health sector, other sectors such as education have also experienced profound transformations and impacts. This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of (...)
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    Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss: The Hidden Dialogue.Heinrich Meier - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    Although Schmitt never answered Strauss publicly, in the third edition of his book he changed a number of passages in response to Strauss’s criticisms.
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  47. Speech Development of a Bilingual Child (an Excerpt).Werner F. Leopold - 1967 - In Donald Clayton Hildum (ed.), Language And Thought: An Enduring Problem In Psychology. London: : Van Nostrand,. pp. 37--62.
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  48. The mirage of a "paradox" of dehumanization: How to affirm the reality of dehumanization.Maria Kronfeldner - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy:1-20.
    This paper argues that the so-called ‘paradox’ of dehumanization is a mirage arising from misplaced abstraction. The alleged ‘paradox’ is taken as a challenge that arises from a skeptical stance. After reviewing the history of that skeptical stance, it is reconstructed as an argument with two premises. With the help of an epistemologically structured but pluralistic frame it is then shown how the two premises of the Skeptic’s argument can both be debunked. As part of that it emerges that there (...)
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    That’s my hand! Therefore, that’s my willed action: How body ownership acts upon conscious awareness of willed actions.Dalila Burin, Maria Pyasik, Adriana Salatino & Lorenzo Pia - 2017 - Cognition 166:164-173.
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    Diversity in sociotechnical machine learning systems.Maria De-Arteaga & Sina Fazelpour - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    There has been a surge of recent interest in sociocultural diversity in machine learning research. Currently, however, there is a gap between discussions of measures and benefits of diversity in machine learning, on the one hand, and the broader research on the underlying concepts of diversity and the precise mechanisms of its functional benefits, on the other. This gap is problematic because diversity is not a monolithic concept. Rather, different concepts of diversity are based on distinct rationales that should inform (...)
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